AMC-SCHOU is a manufacturer and supplier of Engine Rebuilding and Cylindrical Machines in Denmark. They provide a complete range of machine tools for use in reconditioning of all size engines. They are renowned for their sturdy constructions. This ensures reliable high-precision work.


All our brands

AMC Schou

AMC Schou

AMC-SCHOU is a manufacturer and supplier of Engine Rebuilding and Cylindrical Machines in Denmark. They provide a complete range of machine tools for use in reconditioning of all size engines. They are renowned for their sturdy constructions. This ensures reliable high-precision work.  


Our own label. We develop machines and equipment for metal industry and engine- and brake rebuilding workshops for over 30 years.


Manufacturers of dynamometers and flowmeters.


Company CARMEC d.o.o. (ex-COMEC-EXIMUR) has been in business since 1992 distributing, selling and manufacturing professional equipment for automotive workshops and industry. In 2007 they started to manufacture automotive ENGINE REBUILDING machines and equipment for automotive workshops under our trade name Carmec, which they sell to worldwide high motivated and competent distributors. Products include: Pressure Tester […]


AZ’s missionis to project and design machines to each and every customers individual needs and to solve the particular grinding problems specific to complex workpiece shapes.


TEIJO cleaning machines have been manufactured since 1967. They have delivered over 15 000 TEIJO standard or customized cleaning machines for our clients around the world. Our main focuses are the Nordic Countries and Europe – They have exported our products to over 70 countries. TEIJO is known for its high quality, reliability and flexibility. They […]


Worldwide leader in the cylinder head valve job machining area thanks to its patented centering systems on air cushions, SERDI offers a wide range of standard machines covering almost every valve seat sizes from the smallest air-cooled engines to very large railroad and marine engines. SERDI machines are in daily use at almost all OEM […]


Robbi Group is a leading worldwide manufacturer in 4 sectors: Cylindrical Grinding Machines (Universal, Internal and External) Heavy Duty Tube Honing Machines (Horizontal and Vertical) Heavy Duty Crankshaft Grinding Machines Engine Reconditioning Machines

Van Norman

The Van Norman line of Flywheel grinders is manufactured in the USA by Irontite Products Inc. using the same tried and true methods that have been used since this model design came into being in the 1990’s. We take great pride in the design and finish of these machines. If properly maintained you will get […]


Contracor GmbH, a member of the Comprag Group, has enjoyed more than twenty years of experience in producing portable abrasive blasting equipment, accessories for abrasive blasting, manual blast cabinets, personal protective equipment and compressed air preparation equipment. Captive production facilities and a full-fledged production plant allow full production cycles to be implemented and the company’s […]


If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.


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Pommee Machines & Equipment B.V.

Energieweg 22,
2382 NK, Zoeterwoude
The Netherlands
T: +31 – 164 682 754

KvK nr: 20066723
B.T.W. nr: NL8010.18.109.B01

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